Name: Tissue Plasminogen Activator, tPA (Activase)
Class: Antithrombotic Agent (Thrombolytic Agent)
Mechanism: Recombinant product identical to endothelial tPA. Preferentially activates plasminogen that is bound to fibrin ® greater clot specificity and potentially less systemic fibrinolysis than w/streptokinase.
Absorption: IV. Prolonged admin. necessary (generally given over 3 hr.). “Accelerated” regimen admin. over 90 min. (2/3 given w/in 1st 30 min.)
Excretion, t½: Short t½.
Toxicity/S.E.s: Hemorrhage.
Utility: Treat acute MI (w/in 6 hr. of symptoms), massive PE, acute proximal vein thromboses, occlusion of dialysis access sites and indwelling catheters, occlusion of prosthetic heart valves.
Special Features: Best results in pts. that receive therapy < style=""> Expensive—several times more costly than streptokinase.