Guanethidine (Ismelin) -|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards

Guanethidine (Ismelin)

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Name: Guanethidine (Ismelin)

Class: Adrenergic Neuron Blocking Agent

Mechanism: Taken up at NE nerve terminal by NE transport system. Blocks release of NE by action potential or indirect agents. Eventually depletes NE. Causes ¯ BP, some bradycardia. No adrenal effect.

Absorption: Poor oral.

Dist.: No CNS.


Excretion, : 5 days.

Toxicity/S.E.s: Marked postural & exercise hypotension, bradycardia, fluid retention, asthma aggravation, diarrhea, inhib. of ejaculation. But no CNS effects. C/I for pheochromocytoma (supersens), impending CHF or partial heart block, bronchial asthma. Not to be used in comb. w/MAO inhibitors or sympathomimetics. TCAs block uptake into nerve terminals.

Utility: Mod.-severe hypertension (very effective, but last resort due to severe side effects).

Special Features: Supersensitivity develops (­ effect of direct acting, but ¯ effect of indirect). Onset 1-3 wks. No longer considered very useful.