Ranitidine (Zantac) -|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards

Ranitidine (Zantac)

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Name: Ranitidine (Zantac)

Class: H2 Receptor Antagonist

Mechanism: Competitive inhib. of the histamine H2 receptor, but not of the H1 receptor ® inhib. of fasting and stim. acid secretion. No disruption of circadian rhythm of acid secretion. Inhib. of 80-90% of gastrin and vagal-stim. acid secretion.

Absorption: Oral ® rapid, good absorption. Single nighttime dose.


Metabolism.: Partial hepatic Metabolism.

Excretion, : Excreted intact in urine. 1.5-3 hr.

Toxicity/S.E.s: Uncommon. Diarrhea, headaches, myalgias, skin rashes. Inhib. cyt. P-450 (less than cimetidine) ® dose adjustment with phenytoin, warfarin, & theophylline. Occasional cardiac arrhythmias.

Utility: PUD, Zollinger-Ellison synd., acute stress ulcers, GERD

Special Features: Potency—famotidine > ranitidine/nizatidine > cimetidine. Tachyphylaxis—50% less effective after 6 months. Rebound hypersecretion 2° to receptor upregulation and inhib. of ATPase recycling.