Name: Lithium Carbonate
Class: Psychopharmacological Agents (Mood Stabilizer)
Mechanism: Unknown, but may involve electrolyte/ion transport, enhanced reuptake of tryptophan ® brain 5HT levels, inhib. of phosphatidyl inositol 2nd messenger system, ¯ DA & NE turnover, or synth. of ACh.
Excretion, t½:
Toxicity/S.E.s: Low TI (plasma levels must be monitored). Edema, sedation, fine tremor (treat w/propranolol), polyuria, thirst, gastric upset, mild diarrhea. Serious = coarse tremor, vomiting, profuse diarrhea, ataxia, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, coma, death. ¯ thyroid fxn, but usu. asympt. Diuretics ® Na+ depletion ® Li+ conc.
Utility: Prophylaxis for bipolar illness. Acute severe mania is more quickly controlled w/neuroleptics. Combination therapy often required.
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