Isoproteronol (Isuprel) -|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards

Isoproteronol (Isuprel)

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Name: Isoproteronol (Isuprel)

Class: b (Non-Selective) Agonist

Mech.: Non-selective stim. of b1 & b2 ® bronchodilation, ¯ periph. resist (® ¯diastolic pressure), ­ CO (pos. inotropy and chronotropy).

Absorption: Poor oral and subcut. IV (immediate onset). Aerosol.



Excretion, : Urine, 50% unchanged.

Toxicity/S.E.s: Freq.—Palpitations, sinus tachycard., headache, flushing. Infreq—angina pain, nausea, tremor, dizziness, weakness, sweating. Arrhythmia (usu. not serious w/moderate doses). Contraind. w/tachyarrhyth., tachycard., heart block caused by digitalis, vent. arrhythmias requiring inotropic therapy, angina pectoris, acute MI. ­ blood glucose, ¯ K+.

Utility: Stim. HR in patients w/bradycardia or heart block. Bronchodilation in asthma (largely supplanted by b2 agonists).