Name: Reserpine
Class: Adrenergic Neuron Blocking Agent
Mechanism: Depletes NE, 5-HT, DA from nerve terminals in periph. and CNS. Also depletes some EPI from adrenal medulla. 1° = impairs storage of NE in terminals ® ¯ NE available for release. Cause slow fall in BP, some bradycardia, slight inhib. of cardiovasc reflexes, inhib of catechol. release actions of indirect sympathomimetics.
Absorption: Oral
Excretion, t½:
Toxicity/S.E.s: Sedation, nightmares, psychic depression (suicide). In GI, parasymp tone predominates (cramps, diarrhea, exacerbate peptic ulcer). Nasal congestion, bradycardia. May potentiate effects of CNS depressants. Adverse interactions w/MAOIs.
Utility: Treat mild-mod. hypertension (concurrent diuretic therapy). Periph. vasc. disease (Raynaud’s Synd.). Antipsychotic (seldom used; higher doses).
Special Features: No longer considered very useful.