Name: Azithromycin (Zithromax)
Class: Macrolide (azalide)
Mech.: Inhib protein synth by binding to 50S rib. subunit. Bacteriostatic
Absorption: Good oral. Better than erythromycin.
Distribution: Good tissue penetration. Better than erythromycin.
Metab.: Hepatic metab.
Excretion, t½: Bile excretion. 68 hrs.
Toxicity/S.E.s: fewer than erythromycin, esp. GI. No interference w/cytochrome p450 metab.
Utility: Alternate to pen. in mild-moderate infects (esp. Strep, H. influenzae). DOC for Legionnaire’s disease, Diphtheria carrier state, Mycoplasma pneumoniae infects, Whooping cough (Bordatella pertussis)
Special Features: Expanded spectrum over classic macrolides (more potent against gram- bacilli, chlamydiae).