Name: Rifampin (Rifadin)
Class: Antitubercular
Mech.: Inhib. of bact. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Resist develops rapidly.
Absorption: Orally effective
Distribution: Diffuses freely into tissues and fluids
Metab.: Liver
Excretion, t½: 30% excreted in urine (50% active). T1/2= 1.5-5 hrs. ¯ in slow acetylaters.
Toxicity/S.E.s: Low incidence. Jaundice (can be fatal). Use w/caution w/impaired liver fxn. Induces hepatic microsomal enzymes. GI distress, diarrhea, CNS complaints, hypersensitivity. Influenza-like syndrome.
Utility: Rapidly improves TB patients to non-infectious state. Always used w/other agents. Esp. useful in serious cases of TB. Asymptomatic carriers of N. meningitis, eryth-resist. Legionella pneumophila infects. DOC for prophylaxis of H. influenza meningitis.