Name: Cefotaxime (Claforan)
Class: Third Gen. Cephalosporin
Mech.: Binds to PBPs, blocks activity of transpeptidases in terminal stages of cell wall formation. Bactericidal.
Absorption: IV
Distribution: good CSF
Excretion, t½:
Toxicity/S.E.s: Hypersensitivity (some cross-sensitivity to pen.), superinfection, renal damage (worse if comb. w/aminoglycs.)
Utility: Serious nosocomial gram- sepsis. Meningitis caused by gram- enteric bacteria or H. influenzae. Serious Klebsiella infects., strep/staph infects, some penicillinase-producing bacteria. Nosocomial infects. Often used in comb. w/aminoglycosides.
Special Features: Decreased efficacy against gram+ cocci. Broader gram- spectrum. More resistance against b-lactamases than second generation. Problem w/bacterial resistance.