Name: Interferon alpha 2b (Intron A)
Class: Antiviral
Mech.: Bind to cell-surface receptors and inhibit viral penetration or uncoating, synth or methylation of mRNA, translation of viral proteins, viral assembly or release, and degrade mRNA. ® Inhib. viral protein synth. Also induce a protein kinase that inactivates protein eIF-2 which is necessarty for protein synth initiation.
Absorption: Low oral activity. Usu. given IM or SC
Metab.: Rapid degradation.
Excretion, t½: 40 min.
Toxicity/S.E.s: influenza-like illness. Bone marrow suppression w/granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. Antibodies develop w/continued use. Continued nasal admin ® mucosal damage.
Utility: Treat hepatitis B and C