d-Tubocurarine -|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards


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Name: d-Tubocurarine

Class: Competitive Neuromuscular Blocking Agent

Mech.: Competitive antagonism of ACh on nicotinic receptors at NMJ ® skeletal muscle paralysis.

Absorption: IV

Dist.: Poor CNS.

Metab.: Kidney (up to 1/3 of dose in several hours). Variable liver action.

Excretion, : Effect begins in 2 min. 90% of muscle fxn returns in 40-60 min. Residual effect 2-4 hr. Effect terminated by redistribution into other tissues.

Toxicity/S.E.s: Repeated exposure ® cumulative effects, even when spaced 24 hr. apart. Hypotension due to periph. vasodilation as a result of histamine release and symp. ganglia blockade.

Utility: Relaxes skeletal muscle, esp. abdominal wall. Used in surgery.

Special Features: Synergy w/general anesthetics ® lower doses of each necessary. Antag. by IV neostigmine or edrophonium.