-|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards

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Name: Ephedrine

Class: Mixed (a-b) Agonist (Direct-indirect) (CNS active) (OTC)

Mech.: Stim. a and b receptors. Releases NE from symp. neurons. ­ BP, ­ HR, ­CO, constricts arterioles, relaxes smooth muscle of bronchi and GI tract. CNS effects.

Absorption: Oral ® high bioavail. Parenteral.

Dist.: CNS

Metab.: Slow hepatic metab.

Excretion, : Urine, mostly unchanged. ­ rate w/urine acidification. 3-6 hrs.

Toxicity/S.E.s: hypertension, arrhythmias, insomnia (CNS)

Utility: Treat hypotension w/spinal anesthesia. Treat nasal congestion. Often included in OTC oral asthma preparations.

Special Features: Not metab. by COMT.