Ergotamine -|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards


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Name: Ergotamine

Class: Anti-Migraine (Serotonin Agonist)

Mechanism: Partial agony at 5-HT2 vascular receptors & partial agonist at a-adrenergic receptors (can act as a blocker) ® vasoconstriction (cerebral vasc. most sensitive), uterine smooth muscle contraction, n/v, diarrhea.

Absorption: IV, IM, oral, sublingual, rectal, & inhaler.



Excretion, :

Toxicity/S.E.s: Most common = GI (n/v, diarrhea). Most dangerous = vasospasm from overuse/overdose (intense & prolonged, but can be blocked w/a blockers). Drowsiness.

Utility: Treat migraines.

Special Features: Most effective when given during prodrome period. Often combined w/caffeine to facilitate absorption.