Atropine -|- Pharmacology Mnemonics - Flash Cards


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Name: Atropine

Class: Tertiary M2-Muscarinic Antagonist

Mech.: Bind to muscarinic receptors and competitively inhib. ACh interaction.

Absorption: Syst. absorption from eye drops. Oral good.—use gastric lavage to limit systemic absorption. IV.

Dist.: Selective doses (0.2-0.5 mg) act at muscar. receptors, not at nicot. receptors


Excretion, :

Toxicity/S.E.s: Dry as a bone (sweat/saliva blocked), blind as a bat (pupil dilation, no ciliary muscle contraction), red as a beet (flushing and rash over face, neck, upper part of trunk), hot as a hare (no sweat ® ­ temp), mad as a hatter (delirium, toxic psychosis). Urinary retention, constipation. Treat intoxication w/physostigmine. Diazepam relieves CNS effects. Topical eye applic. can precipitate glaucoma.

Utility: Give parenterally in advance to counteract nasty anesthesia side effects (cardiac slowing, salivation, bronchial secretions). Treat anticholinesterase poisoning. Treat urinary problems. Can be applied to eye to produce mydriasis and cyclopegia (lasts 7-12 days).